HomeLifeStyleResearch has shown that three cups of coffee a day guarantee longevity

Research has shown that three cups of coffee a day guarantee longevity

Drinking three cups of coffee a day will help you live longer. Such are the findings of a large-scale study that lasted more than ten years.

People who drank coffee regularly were 12% less likely to die prematurely. And they are much more likely not to get cardiovascular disease or stroke, the study shows.

Also read: Scientists have concluded that coffee can help lose weight

Research has also shown that the beneficial properties of coffee are effective only if it is drunk ground, and not in the form of decaffeinated coffee.

500,000 people took part in the large-scale study.

In addition to caffeine, the drink also contains minerals and antioxidants. Some studies have linked coffee consumption to a reduced risk of cancer, type 2 diabetes and dementia.

However, others point to an increased risk of high blood pressure and death from heart disease.

Note: For details, see “Myth or Truth: Coffee Raises Blood Pressure?

A new study conducted by a team of scientists from the University of Semmelweis in Hungary and the University of Queen Mary in London, proves that this drink does not raise blood pressure and has cardiovascular benefits.

The volunteers were observed for 11 years, which allowed the experts to analyze the differences between the groups.

Among the participants, 22% did not drink coffee, and 58% drank up to three cups a day.

The results of the study were published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

Instant coffee contains more caffeine and antioxidants, but it contains twice as much acrylamide, a substance found in some foods that is associated with an increased risk of cancer and damage to the nervous system.

For those who care about a healthy lifestyle, we recommend reading: “How to cook fish so that it is good for the body.”

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