HomeMedicineCarrot juice lowers high blood pressure

Carrot juice lowers high blood pressure

Regular consumption of carrot juice lowers high blood pressure, experts say.

“Carrot juice helps with high blood pressure. The analysis shows that it lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure, says author Harriet Whitehead.

The article presents research data showing that carrot consumption is associated with low blood pressure. 2159 people took part in the experiment. According to the author, carrot juice neutralized the effects of salts on the body, which often cause hypertension.

Whitehead also advises to give up cigarettes and alcohol, as well as reduce coffee consumption if we want to solve blood problems.

Earlier, Dr. Carrie Raxton of the Belgian Fruit Juice Research Center recommended that we drink orange juice regularly to treat hypertension, see “The Unexpected Effect of Orange Juice on the Immune System.”

* This content, including tips, contains only general information. This in no way replaces a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or doctor for more information. We wish you good health, your DIP.

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