HomeTourismTurkish authorities will take up the arbitrariness of the airport in Istanbul

Turkish authorities will take up the arbitrariness of the airport in Istanbul

Hamburgers at Istanbul airport are only twice as cheap as a plane ticket – and there is something to be done about this lawlessness. Turkish media write about this quoting outraged tourists. “Hamburgers, which are a little cheaper than a domestic ticket, and water, which is 8 times more expensive than usual, outrage not only Turkish passengers, but also foreign guests who pay in euros,” said Aziz Kochal, chairman. Federation of Consumer Associations (TÜDEF).

The fact is that prices at Istanbul airport have almost doubled in dollar terms. Given the depreciation of the lira, price increases are huge.

In early December last year, when the dollar was worth 13.80 lira, the cheapest hamburger sold for 66 lira, or $ 4.75, now it costs 119 lire, or $ 8.09, with the dollar worth 14.70 Turkish lira, and half a liter of water, which is sold on the street for 2 lira, is sold at the airport for 16.25 lira.

“Tourists are asked to be at the airport at least four hours before departure through the large space of the airport, as a result, they leave six hours before departure when calculating the road. The only place where you can eat something on this trip is the airport, and the water is confiscated at the checkpoint. Tourists are thrown at the mercy of greedy domestic sellers, and this is not necessarily a healthy tourist. This situation does not allow tourists to get food and can be dangerous to his health! “- Outraged Turkish experts.

It is the duty of the Unfair Price Assessment Board to intervene in such exorbitant prices, they say. “What is the scope of airports and does this board turn a blind eye to the prices that the whole world is talking about? Why are our complaints not taken seriously? ”They complain in Turkey.

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