HomeBelgiumIn Turkey, tourists were arrested for collecting rocks for their home aquarium

In Turkey, tourists were arrested for collecting rocks for their home aquarium

These three ordinary stones, which seemed to be of little value, became the basis for accusations of smuggling historical artifacts.

According to information provided by the Turkish newspaper Bursa Haki Miyet, the case affected a couple of Belgian tourists who now have to remain in Turkey until the examination of the seized stones is completed.

These stones were picked up by them during a day trip to Manavgat as souvenirs. The situation was explained as follows: Belgian tourists Kim and Warre arrived at the airport to return home, but were detained by security when stones were discovered in their luggage. The police were then called, the stones were seized and the couple were temporarily detained on suspicion of smuggling artifacts. Because of this situation, they had to miss their flight.

Subsequently, they were released, but on the condition that they remain in Turkey for another 8 weeks, during which the stones will be analyzed by specialists from the Antalya Museum. The owner of the suitcase with the “illegal” cargo was also required to report to the police station every Monday to mark her presence.

Belgian tourists soon learned that in 2014 a similar incident occurred with another person who also tried to take stones with him, but was detained by border guards.

According to the couple, the stones they collected do not have historical value, otherwise, they would not have taken them, and their actions were caused only by the hobby of collecting stones from each of their trips to fill their home aquarium.

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