HomeUkrainePowerful shelling of the Lugansk region: Russians attack non-stop, with all types...

Powerful shelling of the Lugansk region: Russians attack non-stop, with all types of weapons

In the Lugansk region, Russian forces are shelling all settlements. “Severodonetsk is being attacked just block by block, no matter what it is: a school, a hospital or residential buildings,” said the head of the regional government, Sergei Gaidai. The worst situation is in Rubizne, Popasna and Gmina Girsk.

– Gorskoye and Popasnaya are fired continuously from morning to night from all types of weapons. There are battles in Popasna and Rubizhne, the enemy cannot break through, he has losses, but he is still advancing, – said Haidai in the morning summary published in Telegram.

Haidai reiterated that the Russians were concentrating their forces ahead of the offensive in the Donbass and were intensifying their shelling. “Severodonetsk is just being shelled block by block, whatever it is – a school, a hospital, or houses,” he said.

Without water, heating, communication

Due to the shelling of the Kramatorsk railway station on Friday, which killed more than 50 people, the railway is not working and evacuation routes need to be adjusted, but they continue.

Haidai also said that the humanitarian situation in the region is very difficult, as in many places there is no heating, water, gas and communications. Humanitarian aid does not reach some settlements due to shelling. Basically, we are talking about Rubizhna and Popasna.

Despite constant calls and even, as Haidai said, “begging” the authorities to leave the dangerous region, about 30 percent of the population still remains there. residents. The authorities have no way to accurately establish this number.

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