HomeLifeStylePopular myths about carbohydrates, in which we still believe

Popular myths about carbohydrates, in which we still believe

Carbohydrates are still one of the most controversial macronutrients in terms of diet, weight loss and muscle gain. There are still many myths about them, because in recent decades, carbohydrates have been accused of causing excess weight as the sole culprit.

Eliminating them from the diet and minimizing them due to protein and fat gives quick results in weight loss, but is it really good for health?

Carbohydrates contain the necessary nutrients that the body needs to function properly every day. They occupy an important part of a number of functions in the body, so their elimination in the long run is not a good alternative.

What myths about carbohydrates still have their supporters?

Carbohydrates make you gain weight

Carbohydrate intake and weight gain are two things that seem to be directly related, but they are not. Neither carbohydrates nor fats alone cause weight gain, say scientists from Intermountain Care in Utah, quoted by Healthline.com. It all comes down to calorie intake and their ratio, as well as the level of physical activity. If you do not burn calories through exercise, but eat more food, it inevitably leads to weight gain, regardless of whether you consume carbohydrates or not.

All carbohydrates are the same

Surprisingly, there are still people who believe in this myth. Carbohydrates are not the same. They are usually divided into simple and complex. And the most dangerous for the waist and overall health are added refined sugars in all their forms.

Complex carbohydrates have the least effect on sugar and insulin levels. Vegetables, cereals, legumes and whole grains contain complex carbohydrates, but they also contain fiber, protein and fat, which are important for a healthy metabolism.

Fruits contain simple and complex carbohydrates, but they also do not have such a harmful effect as sugar, because they contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. All of them slow down the absorption of glucose.

A low carb diet is not always the key to a slim figure

In the long run, eliminating or minimizing carbohydrates can have many side effects and even dangerous consequences. In addition to the fact that their complete restriction is very difficult, it can damage all organs, systems and functions of your body, even the emotional state. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains contain an exceptional variety of different types of carbohydrates, which include other substances needed by the body. Exclusion of carbohydrates deprives the body of valuable nutrients.

Not everything that contains sugar is harmful. Added and refined sugars are the ones that should not be present in your diet as they give you only empty calories without any nutritional value. However, sugars in fruits are necessary, because along with them fruits contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants. According to Medical News Today, removing fruit from the diet can seriously damage a healthy lifestyle and body condition.

The glycemic index is the most important indicator of carbohydrates and their effect on blood sugar.

The glycemic index is indeed an important indicator of how food causes a rise in blood sugar, but it is not the only indicator of this. The glycemic index shows the time required for the breakdown of carbohydrates in the body to glucose. Another equally important indicator is the glycemic load, which actually shows how much pure carbohydrates your body is loading. Another important point in the process of digestion – whether we eat carbohydrates alone or accompanied by other essential macronutrients – proteins and fats. In their company, carbohydrates are absorbed much more slowly.

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