HomeLifeStyleHealth benefits of tomato juice

Health benefits of tomato juice

Tomato juice is popular all over the world. Due to the high content of antioxidants, organic acids and other essential nutrients, tomatoes can be called a real elixir of health.

Consumption of tomato drink is on average from one to four glasses a day. It can vary depending on the season, climate and personal preferences. Here are the health benefits of this elixir:

Antioxidant properties

Tomato juice contains antioxidants, including lycopene, beta-carotene, vitamin C and selenium. They reduce the risk of heart disease and protect the body from free radicals that cause cell damage.

Improves digestion

Organic acids contained in fruits and tomato juice improve digestive function. They stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, which promotes good digestion.

Improves heart health

Due to its high potassium content, tomato juice improves heart health and helps lower blood pressure. It also prevents the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood, which is one of the first steps in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Tomato juice also has a protective effect on the inner layer of blood vessels and helps reduce the risk of blood clots.

Relieves fatigue

A glass of tomato juice a day can relieve fatigue. The high content of potassium and phosphorus in this red juice helps relieve symptoms of stress, muscle weakness and prevents muscle spasms and cramps. A glass of juice a day will not only give the body energy, but also help to cheer up.

Accelerates metabolism

Tomato juice is very low in calories. In 100 grams of drink only 18 calories and about 95 percent of water. In addition, it speeds up metabolism, and the high fiber content in the product causes satiety and improves digestion. That is why the drink is suitable for those who want to lose weight.

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