HomeHotelsTourists were warned that the beds in the hotel room were not...

Tourists were warned that the beds in the hotel room were not washed regularly

When you enter your hotel room, you want to “forget and relax”, and separate from the thought that someone else will come in here. However, tourists are warned: some bed linen and not only in the hotel room are not washed regularly, and in this case, it is better not to relax.

As a former hotel employee told Reddit, the first such item was the top cover lying on the bed. Although the rooms between tourists are carefully cleaned, this item is usually washed exceptionally rarely. At the same time, even the most careful tourists often find at least a suitcase on the bedspread, because the bed in the room is often the most convenient place to unload luggage, and you don’t want to know what else might be there. “Just don’t cover yourself with it, don’t sit on it, at least without clothes, and generally keep the cover away from you. And try not to pollute it before the next tourist,” the hotel employee said.

Another unpleasant “surprise”: often a hotel bed is a “layer cake” of several sheets, so it happens that only the top layer is changed between tourists. “The instructions say to change all the bedding after each client. However, the reality is that hotels hire anyone to clean rooms, and many of them simply don’t care about following the rules and skip cleaning some things to save time,” says the expert. And it convinces tourists – if you think that the linen is stale – ask to change the bed or even the room. And – a typical British warning – it recommends checking the corners of the bed “secret places” for unexplained red or dark spots on the mattress and bed linen. And if they are, contact the administration immediately, most likely this is a signal of the presence of bedbugs.

Another thing that does not apply to the bed, about which the hotel employee warns about the possible “unwashability”, is a bottle and glasses. But if almost all hotel experts warn that the mirrors in the room are at best rinsed between tourists with cold water without detergent, this expert also commented on the new-fangled “ecological” trend. “When you get to your hotel room, no matter how much you want to drink, if there is a reusable water bottle and glasses, call the front desk immediately and politely ask for a new water bottle and glasses,” he stated. A reusable glass bottle is, of course, good for the environment, but no tourist will be able to find out how many guests in the room before him have seen this water, the expert assures. So it’s always safer to ask for fresh water and extra glasses – there’s a chance they’ll be cleaner.

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