Cinnamon is a wonderful spice with a sweet and at the same time spicy taste. It is known for its ability to control blood sugar, so there are a number of supplements that help control diabetes. It is also a powerful antioxidant that counteracts inflammation in tissues and is involved in the prevention of many chronic diseases. You can add it to your cappuccino, coffee, cakes, smoothies. And you can make it as tea.
Cinnamon tea is very good for health. According to Tara Coleman, a nutritionist quoted by, cinnamon tea deserves a special place in everyday life because of its many useful properties.
How to make tea with cinnamon?
To extract all the active ingredients and nutrients from cinnamon, you can prepare a decoction by leaving a cinnamon stick to boil in 1 cup of water for 15 minutes. Then strain the liquid and enjoy. You can add a slice of fresh lemon and a little honey to sweeten the drink and add more nutrients.
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Why is homemade tea with cinnamon so good for health?
1. It is full of antioxidants.
Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals and neutralize their effects. They are also one of the most valuable helpers in the fight against inflammation – a prerequisite for chronic and degenerative diseases. Cinnamon tea contains polyphenols, which are antioxidants. They protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. They can be useful in the prevention of various diseases.

2. Helps to suppress inflammation.
Cinnamon is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Cinnamon tea helps to suppress general inflammation in tissues and the body, reducing the risk of various dangerous diseases. Cinnamon owes this property to the phenolic compounds contained in it. Their properties are confirmed by studies published in the journal AOCA, cited by