HomeInternational organizationsEUThe European Commission unveiled proposals for new sanctions against Russia, including an...

The European Commission unveiled proposals for new sanctions against Russia, including an embargo on coal

The President of the European Commission announced proposals for further sanctions against Russia. The final decision will be taken by the Member States and unanimity is required. Tomorrow, EU ambassadors will deal with the fifth round of sanctions.

Ursula von der Leyen announced, among other things, an embargo on coal imports from Russia worth 4 billion euros per year.

Reports of sanctions in the maritime and road sectors were also confirmed.

“We will also block access to EU ports for Russian ships and ships operated by Russia,” the head of the European Commission said in a video posted on Twitter.

EU. Sanctions against Russia

There is also a proposal to impose sanctions against road carriers from Russia and Belarus. In addition, according to the Chairman of the Commission, further sanctions will include a ban on transactions with four Russian banks, which account for 23 percent of the Russian banking sector.

There will also be further restrictions on imports worth 5.5 billion euros, from wood to cement, from seafood to alcohol. Ursula von der Leyen also announced that a ban will be introduced on the participation of Russian companies in public procurement in the EU countries.

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