Home Iraq A bear that escaped from its cage caused a flight delay and...

A bear that escaped from its cage caused a flight delay and dissatisfaction among the passengers

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A bear that escaped from a box in the cargo hold of an Iraqi plane in Dubai caused a flight delay, angering passengers. The Iraqi Prime Minister has ordered an investigation, Al Arabiya reports.

Iraqi Airways said on Saturday it was not at fault for the bear’s escape and that the plane’s crew cooperated with United Arab Emirates authorities, who sent specialists to euthanize the bear and remove it from the plane.

The airline noted that the procedure for transporting the bear was carried out in accordance with the law, as well as with the procedures and standards approved by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

It is noted that the bear was taken for an Iraqi businessman. Recently in the country, especially in Baghdad, it has become very popular among the rich to keep wild animals. At the same time, the Iraqi authorities are trying to enforce the legal provisions for the protection of animals, and the Metropolitan Police are urging the public to report the facts of the release of such animals on the streets of the city or their entry into restaurants as exotic dishes.

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