“The heat is already collecting its first victims,” the Meteobureau of Italy said, stating that a “hell wave” of up to +48 degrees is moving towards southern Europe. So far, at the resorts of Italy and Spain, it’s “over the top” for just +40. However, the aforementioned victims of the heat are not yet similar to tourists, although cases of heat stroke in queues to famous monuments have already been observed.
In particular, a tourist had to be pumped near the Coliseum – she fainted while standing in line for the entrance on a sunny day when the temperature reached +36. The case, fortunately, was resolved with first aid. However, according to the Italians, one man has already died in Northern Italy – but at the workplace, he was engaged in road repairs, and another fatality – also of a farmer – was recorded in Seville, Spain.
“Their deaths were related to the record temperatures observed here in the last few days. Spain, Italy, Portugal, and France have been in the grip of intense heat for several days, while in some areas the temperature rises above 40°C,” the Italians said. They also warn that a wave of even stronger heat is moving to the “resort” Mediterranean – and temperatures above 40 will come to countries that are “less accustomed to hot temperatures.”
According to their statements, tourists should expect an “impact on health” of high temperatures, as well as a high risk of forest fires. Tourists from northern countries are urged not to go out in the sun at the peak of its activity, and also to always carry water with them.