HomeRussiaIt has been calculated how much the sanctions have made vacations in...

It has been calculated how much the sanctions have made vacations in Turkey more expensive for Russian tourists

Rest in Turkey turned out to be among the most expensive “products” for a Russian tourist during the years of sanctions, the history of which began in 2014. Such information, which was provided by the Politika portal, is broadcast by Turkish mass media.

The study compared the impact of the 2014 and 2022 sanctions on the purchasing power of the Russian consumer. The analyzed indicators include food and gasoline prices, real estate and cars. The list also included prices for food in restaurants and for vacations in Turkey.

As the research showed, since 2014 the average price of vacations in Turkey in Russia has almost doubled. The average price of a trip to Turkey was 24,000 rubles (14,000 UAH) in 2014. In 2022, it rose to 46,000 rubles (28,000 UAH) — and this, it should be noted, is a “lower than average” price.

For comparison, according to the analysis, over these 8 years, the cost of food in a restaurant increased by 51%, the prices of meat rose by 75%, and fish – by 100%. The price of gasoline has increased by 46-47%, and the growth rate of housing prices is about 46%.

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