HomeSlovakiaThe regime of crossing the common Ukrainian-Slovak border has been changed

The regime of crossing the common Ukrainian-Slovak border has been changed

From July 21, 2021, the regime of crossing the common Ukrainian-Slovak border was changed, namely:

– Citizens of Ukraine, holders of biometric passports, can enter the territory of the Slovak Republic in accordance with the general conditions of entry provided by the Schengen Borders Code (entry for a short stay of 90 days for 180 days).

– Citizens of Ukraine are obliged to undergo entry procedures (quarantine or other), determined by the current decision of the Department of Health of the Slovak Republic (taking into account the presence or absence of vaccination of citizens of Ukraine).

This means that:

1. Citizens of Ukraine who have a vaccination certificate (2 doses) (in English, Slovak or Czech) before entering are registered on the website and are released from self-isolation (the last vaccination must not be before 14 days). All vaccines registered by the WHO are accepted (this means that all vaccines are registered in Ukraine).

2. Unvaccinated persons are also registered on the website, but are obliged to undergo self-isolation for a period of 14 days (if during this time there are no symptoms or testing). Self-isolation can be stopped by obtaining a negative RT-PCR test performed no earlier than day 5.

The Slovak side recommends accessing current information on restrictions related to COVID-19 at and

Prompt update of entry conditions to Slovakia – on the website

The regime of crossing the common Ukrainian-Slovak border has been changed

Features of the country

To enter Slovakia, citizens are required to register at:, confirm registration at the border, and be prepared to confirm registration during their stay in the country.

• Uzhhorod-Vyshne Nemetske checkpoint: operates in the mode of passing cars and trucks.

• Maly Berezny-Ublya checkpoint: operates in the mode of passing cars, pedestrians and cyclists, as well as freight, weighing up to 3.5 tons.

• Checkpoint “Chop (Guard) – Chierna nad Tisou”. operates in train skipping mode.

From August 1, 2021, all existing restrictions on checkpoints will be lifted, and the checkpoint regime will be in accordance with the requirements of the legal framework between Ukraine and Slovakia on border crossing at the common state border (it is about opening a checkpoint Velyki Selmentsi and abolishing any -any other restrictions that do not correspond to the mentioned base).

In case of arrival on the territory of Slovakia by air, the person must fill out the form before departure at the link:

Upon arrival from the Red Zone, a negative RT-PCR test must be provided no later than 72 hours before entry.

This requirement does not apply to children under the age of 12 and persons crossing the territory of Slovakia in transit.


• Allowed.

Transit subject to confirmation of the purpose of transit and stay in the territory of the SR not more than 8 hours.

For travel through the territory of the Slovak Republic, as before, the need to move without stopping, except for refueling.

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