HomeLifeStyleTourists were warned about the dangers of the winter sea

Tourists were warned about the dangers of the winter sea

Endocrinologist Tatiana Suslova said that some categories of people can go to sea in winter. This was reported by Rambler.

The expert said that patients with hyperthyroidism are not allowed to go to sea in winter. They may have an exacerbation of thyrotoxicosis.

In this case, a person moves from a winter climate to a hot one, which can put a strain on the thyroid gland. It helps to adapt to sudden changes in weather.

“It serves as a protector and calibrator of the body’s internal climate. But she can’t do it abruptly. It takes several months to switch from “winter” mode to “summer” mode and vice versa ”

Thus, when a person arrives from winter to summer, his thyroid gland is under stress. It manifests itself twice: when the traveler arrives on vacation and when he returns from it. If the patient suspects a malfunction of the thyroid gland, it is best to consult a doctor before vacation.

Earlier it was reported that the passengers were stuck in the plane for the night and fell into hysteria.

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