HomeMedicineНикогда не сочетайте эти два метода похудения, они опасны для здоровья

Никогда не сочетайте эти два метода похудения, они опасны для здоровья

Як схуднути і підтягнути тіло без ризику для здоров’я

One of the most popular modern trends in weight loss is the removal of carbohydrates from the menu or their minimization. Another popular method of losing weight is training. However, if you combine these two methods of rapid weight loss, you can have serious health problems.

Why is this happening? Why is it dangerous to train hard and not eat carbs?

The answer is simple – carbohydrates are the main source of energy for muscles and the whole body. The more intensely you train, the greater your body’s need for carbohydrates. With their help, the body restores lost energy, muscle tissue and glycogen expended in the muscles.

The more intense and intense your workouts, the more dangerous it is not to eat carbs. The development of the so-called “training flu” is possible, in which there are symptoms similar to the symptoms of viral infections. These include fever, muscle weakness, pain throughout the body, and even runny nose and sore throat.

Why does this “training flu” appear?

Symptoms of fever, which have nothing to do with a viral infection but only mimic it, are due to the destruction of muscle tissue with severe exhaustion from too intense training and insufficient consumption of carbohydrates, which reduces energy.

This does not mean that if you exercise, you need to eat more carbohydrates. It is also not necessary to have symptoms of “training flu”. It all depends on the type and intensity of training, as well as how many carbohydrates you take in your diet. Their appearance is also important.

If your physical activity is too intense, you can afford to limit or eliminate carbohydrates if this is your vision of the diet. However, if your workouts include, for example, so-called high-intensity interval training, you will definitely need carbohydrates to increase endurance, productivity and ensure proper recovery.

What is “training flu”?

When your body begins to break down muscles to provide energy, you are more likely to experience symptoms such as “brain dizziness”, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, fever, headache, complete lack of energy, and arrhythmia.

When you eat carbohydrates, they are broken down in the body into glucose, which the body converts into blood sugar. It is needed to provide energy during and after training. If you do not get enough carbohydrates in your diet, your body may try to find another source to provide the energy it needs after a workout. The most suitable source is protein contained in muscles.

Why not completely eliminate carbs if you exercise hard and regularly?

Following a low carb diet will help you control your blood sugar. If you suffer from insulin resistance, which poses a potential risk of developing diabetes, carbohydrate restriction is a good way to manage your condition, maintain a healthy glucose and weight level.
However, if you exercise, carbohydrates should be present in the diet to support the recovery of your muscles and not interfere with the body to perform all the basic functions that require carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates that you can easily limit or completely eliminate from your diet are sugars, simple carbohydrates and those that are quickly broken down without carrying long-term energy into the body. They are not needed by the body. For best results, you can exclude from the diet all foods that contain added sugar, white flour, starch.

For those who care about a healthy lifestyle, we recommend reading: “ Rules of a balanced diet and weight loss ».

This content, including tips, contains only general information. This in no way replaces a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or doctor for more information. We wish you good health, your DIP.

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