HomeMedicineExperiment: 8,000 pregnant women vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna - these are...

Experiment: 8,000 pregnant women vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna – these are their complaints

Згідно з дослідженням американських лікарів, вакцини не вплинули на немовлят в утробі матері.

According to a study by American doctors, pregnant women tolerate RNA vaccines against the new coronavirus from Pfizer and Moderna.

“Our large-scale observations show that anti-Covid-19 drugs are well tolerated by expectant mothers, nursing mothers and women of childbearing age,” the study said.

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle, involved about 8,000 pregnant women and 3,000 women who plan to become mothers in the near future.

Between January and March this year, two-thirds of them were vaccinated with Pfizer and the rest with Moderna.

It turns out that they have the same side effects as all other immunized – pain at the injection site, fatigue and fever, according to BTA.

Only 4.4% of pregnant women found more serious problems, but they did not affect the fetus.

It turns out that they have the same side effects as all other immunized – pain at the injection site, fatigue and fever, according to BTA.

Only 4.4% of pregnant women found more serious problems, but they did not affect the fetus.

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