HomeLifeStyleIt is better not to eat these foods before sex

It is better not to eat these foods before sex

When it comes to spending quality time between sheets with a loved one, the last thing you need is dinner to spoil an intimate moment.

You should know that there are many products that will help you look great without clothes, but at the same time they can cause problems with the abdomen or upset the hormonal balance, which reduces libido.


Beans contain oligosaccharides (indigestible sugar molecules that the body cannot completely break down), which are more likely to cause stomach cramps and excess gas – this is definitely not romantic.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli – they all contain raffinose, and people do not have an enzyme that breaks it down. When these vegetables reach the lower intestine, they ferment and release methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen, leading to flatulence.

Garlic and onions

Neither onions nor garlic can make you charming in front of your partner. These spicy vegetables, as well as coffee and spicy foods have the ability to cause unpleasant odors in your body, and not in the most pleasant way.

Inorganic soy products

Because soy contains isoflavones that mimic estrogen, called phytoestrogens, excessive consumption can upset the hormonal balance of both men and women, leading to decreased libido. Do not eat excessive amounts of soy milk, edamami, tofu and soy-based meat substitutes.


You can drink a glass or two of beer before jumping between the sheets, but it can affect your libido. This is due to the fact that hops, which are used to make beer, contain phytoestrogens, which destroy hormones.

Baking from the store

There are two major sexual pests in your favorite pastries from a store or a nearby bakery: trans fats and sugar. In both men and women, this leads to decreased libido. And rest assured, sex is better than dessert.


In addition to the fact that many commercially produced dairy products contain antibiotics that destroy hormones, many people are also lactose intolerant. Remember that abdominal discomfort is not the best motivation to have fun in bed.

Processed meat

If you buy sausages in a supermarket, most likely, their plastic packaging is made of PVC, which is extracted from fatty foods and causes hormonal changes. Processed hot dogs and burgers contain added hormones, preservatives and antibiotics, which can also cause hormonal imbalances.

That is why we offer you in our gallery a list of foods that can not be eaten before sex.

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