HomeInternational organizationsEUThe EU is imposing sanctions on new Russian oligarchs, including Abramovich

The EU is imposing sanctions on new Russian oligarchs, including Abramovich

The European Union has decided to impose sanctions on more Russian oligarchs, including billionaire Roman Abramovich, owner of the English football club Chelsea, in retaliation for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, diplomats told AFP.

These measures are part of the fourth round of EU sanctions against Moscow. Currently, 862 individuals and 53 Russian legal entities are on the blacklist, which prohibits entry into the community and allows the seizure of their property.

Abramovich, close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, has already been sanctioned by Britain, forcing him to suspend his announced sale of Chelsea. He has also been sanctioned in Canada.

The British government estimated the businessman’s fortune at 10.7 billion euros. In addition to Chelsea, Abramovich is also involved in the steel giant Evraz. He also owns shares in the Russian company Norilsk Nickel, which produces and processes nickel and palladium.

On Friday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a fourth package of measures to further isolate Russia and deplete its resources to finance “this barbaric war.” The new EU sanctions are expected to include lifting Russia’s status as a privileged nation, paving the way for tariffs on Russian imports.

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