HomeGreeceTourist brutally murdered after being raped at popular Mediterranean resort

Tourist brutally murdered after being raped at popular Mediterranean resort

The brutal murder of a Polish tourist on the Greek island of Kos, a popular Mediterranean resort, stunned the public: a young woman was raped and strangled last week. Her mother accuses the Greek police of negligence. The incident was reported by the Polish media.

27-year-old Polish citizen Anastasia R., who was declared missing last week, was eventually found dead on Sunday. Her lifeless body, hidden under garbage bags, branches, and grass, was found by law enforcement officers. Preliminary results indicate that the girl was raped and strangled.

Guilty of this terrible crime, the police initially considered the boyfriend dead – a 28-year-old Pole, and arrested him. Soon the mother of the murdered woman arrived on the island and stood up for the young man. The woman met with the Greek authorities and expressed doubts about his involvement in the murder. “My daughter’s boyfriend, Michal, has nothing to do with my daughter’s tragic death. He immediately reported the loss and contacted the police to report it. He also pointed out to me the possible places where Anastasia could be. He called all night, but the police did not pay attention to this and asked him to come only the next morning. The culprits are the police who conducted the investigation. If they had reacted faster, my daughter might still be alive,” she commented. — During the night, the daughter tried to transmit her location via mobile phone, but in the morning, she could not do it, as her phone was no longer available. We also contacted the embassy about this issue, and I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

After accusations of negligence and publicity about the brutal murder by the press, the Greek police began to look into it. A new suspect was found – 32-year-old Bangladeshi Salahuddin S. He admitted that he knew the murdered girl and shared some details. According to his testimony, the Bangladeshi was in the house with a Polish citizen, gave her drugs, and had sexual intercourse “with her consent.” And then the girl allegedly left. However, video recordings from surveillance cameras contradict his statements: the girl did not leave his house on her own. Police have arrested the suspect and are investigating.

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