HomeLifeStyleThe flight attendant revealed two things that make a passenger hate them

The flight attendant revealed two things that make a passenger hate them

Two things that make airplane tourists into the flight attendant hate category are stretching their legs in the aisle and aimlessly walking around the cabin. The details of the former flight attendant Madeline Forsyth were given by The Sun. talked about two things that passengers do on airplanes that annoy them because significantly complicate the performance of direct duties.

Since flight attendants have to deal with a plane full of people, it is difficult for them at times. Moreover, some things significantly complicate the life of flight personnel. Moreover, almost all of them are created by the efforts of passengers.

First, flight attendants hate it when passengers are pulled into the aisle. Taller people often book seats near the aisle for this very purpose, and there is not enough legroom in economy class. “I understand…flights are long and legroom is tight. It may be tempting to put a foot or hand in the passage, but this can be incredibly dangerous and painful for the tourist. Not only can crew members and other passengers trip over you, but it’s also difficult for flight attendants to look behind food and beverage carts, so you run the risk of falling under one of those heavy carts,” the airline employee warned.

Her advice to all passengers who need to stretch is to get up and walk down the aisle of the plane but do so without disturbing anyone.

Secondly, she said that the passengers who are constantly in the galley do not provide any assistance to the flight crew. The cabin is the largest open space available on an airplane. However, passengers flocking there risk disturbing their flight attendants, who store most of their essentials in galley cupboards and drawers.

“Standing up and stretching is normal, especially on long flights, but if you’re hanging around the cabin for a long time, it will make the flight attendants’ job more difficult,” she concluded.

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