HomeTourismIn the United States, a man lost his jaw after engaging in...

In the United States, a man lost his jaw after engaging in hand-to-hand combat with a bear.

A US resident encountered a bear while hunting. The encounter with the animal ended with severe injuries and a hospital bed for the man, the New York Post reports.

Rudy Noorlander, 61, owner of a motorcycle rental company, was helping his clients track down a deer they had shot in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in Montana. At some point, the company came face to face with a bear cub. Rudy pulled out a gun to scare the animal away, but the weapon misfired. Just at that moment the mother bear arrived.

According to the victim’s daughter, the father did not have time to do anything except try to fight off the bear with his fists in the hope of slowing it down a little. But this tactic didn’t work. The animal only needed a minute to inflict serious injuries on Rudy before the other participants in the hunt managed to drive him away.

The bear tore the man’s chest, tore his arm and leg and practically tore out his jaw.

“It was the worst French kiss of my life,” jokes Rudy, lying in his hospital bed.

The man managed to survive thanks to rescuers who arrived by helicopter within minutes.

Rudy’s daughter considers her father’s action a real feat, since he was not afraid and did not lose consciousness during the fight with the grizzly.

Earlier, a shark attacked a girl in the Egyptian resort of Dahab, 100 kilometers north of Sharm el-Sheikh. As a result of the incident, the victim received a serious injury to her arm, which doctors had to amputate.

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