HomeEgyptIn Hurghada, tourists staged a mass massacre and destroyed the hotel restaurant...

In Hurghada, tourists staged a mass massacre and destroyed the hotel restaurant with chairs

An Egyptian resort hotel in Hurghada became the site of a mass massacre of tourists who were vacationing there. The guests staged a fight with the help of chairs, as a result of which the hotel restaurant was destroyed. Eyewitnesses recorded what was happening on video phones and published it on social networks. This was reported by the Egyptian publication Ahlmasrnews.

The video, which first appeared last Saturday, and a new “portion” of recordings from the scene only on Monday evening caused a wide response. The footage shows two groups of people, some of whom were dressed in pajamas, getting into a violent fight: men threw chairs at each other, and guests who witnessed the brawl ran out of the establishment in panic. At some point, the situation got out of control, and as a result, not the “fighters” themselves suffered the most, but the catering establishment: glass facades were broken, and furniture and dishes were damaged. At the same time, the participants in the pogrom suffered minor injuries.

It also happened to the employees – they also suffered minor injuries. It was clarified that the administration did not call the police, the conflict was regulated by the reconciliation of the parties.

The local media did not mention the nationality of the tourists who carried out the massacre at the hotel. However, taking into account recent events, it is quite possible that our occupying neighbors and Ukrainians were clarifying the relationship. We will remind you, clashes between Ukrainian tourists and tourists from Russia in Egypt take place on a regular basis both on excursions and directly in hotels.

As it was later explained in social networks, the cause of this fight was certain disagreements between travelers who did not share rooms among themselves. The exchange of insults and mutual “run-ins” turned into a physical confrontation.

A few days earlier, a similar fight took place in a cafe at the same resort. Young people who did not share a burger became participants in the “showdowns”. As a result of the event, the institution was also seriously damaged. There was no information about the nationalities of the tourists who fought.

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