HomeLifeStyleHow to make a trip in a reserved seat comfortable: 5 life...

How to make a trip in a reserved seat comfortable: 5 life hacks

In the summer season, the demand for train travel especially increases, and sometimes there are no compartment tickets at affordable prices. In this case, you have to travel in a reserved seat, which is not particularly comfortable.

However, this does not mean that a trip in a reserved seat car cannot be made comfortable.

Take care of the water

The tap water on trains is not meant to be drunk, and it can be expensive to buy water from the dining car. Do not be lazy to take a large supply of water with you – it will save you both from heat and dehydration.

Take your earplugs

It is hardly possible to retire in a reserved seat car: other people’s conversations, children’s crying, and the noise of the train interfere during the day and do not allow you to fall asleep at night. In order not to sacrifice peace of mind and sleep, take quality earplugs with you.

Buy an eBook

When traveling, it is better to give preference to electronic rather than paper books. Firstly, you can download as much reading material as you want, and this will not affect the weight of your luggage. Secondly, you can read even in the dark.

Download movies in advance

Do not count on wi-fi and uninterrupted mobile communications on a long trip. It’s better to download movies to your computer and tablet before leaving so as not to lament the lack of entertainment on the train.

Choose the right food

Eggs and chicken in foil, beloved by Russians, should be abandoned – these are perishable products, which also have a strong smell. Choose nutritious food that does not require special storage conditions – dried fruits, muesli, hard cheeses, chocolate, and homemade food without a specific smell.

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