HomeReal estateSouth Africa and its real estate market

South Africa and its real estate market

It is not for nothing that South Africa is called the pearl of the African continent. Today this state successfully competes with countries such as Italy, Portugal, and even Spain. Real estate objects here are bought by world-class stars – for example, the famous race car driver Schumacher and the equally famous tennis player Becker have already acquired real estate in this country.

According to statistics, more than eighty percent of investors who invest in real estate in this country are from Europe. Housing has gained particular popularity among Americans, Israelis, Irish and Dutch. What is so attractive that the real estate market of this state presents to potential buyers from abroad?

The leaders in terms of attractiveness, of course, are the climate of this country and the unique, picturesque nature. During the summer period (December-February months), it is not very hot in South Africa – usually the average temperature for the year does not exceed thirty degrees above zero. There are no negative temperatures here, if you do not take into account the Drakensberg Mountains, where there is an opportunity to go in for skiing. Driving from the mountain region to the southeast or east coast, you immediately plunge into summer – it is there, throughout the year.

South Africa and its real estate market

Embassy of South Africa in Ukraine – st. Velyka Vasylkivska, 9/2, entrance 7, office 81, Kiev

The second reason is the combination of different orientations in architectural styles. In large cities of this state, you can see how small mansions with a colonial style of architecture coexist peacefully next to huge skyscrapers.

And the third reason, which with incredible ease can be called the first, and which buyers of real estate objects are probably interested in, is affordability. Compared by the criterion “cost-quality”, the real estate objects of this state are the most attractive in the world. Buying a property here is not that difficult. For foreign citizens, the legislative acts of South Africa do not provide for any serious restrictions. At your discretion, here you can become the owner of a commercial property, land plot, apartment or mansion.

In the real estate market of this country, as well as in other states, you can choose an object, both in the primary and secondary housing market. Particularly popular in this real estate sector are private houses that meet the most demanding tastes.

South Africa and its real estate market

If you love the ocean, you can choose from a wide variety of villas with different specifications, which are located at different distances from the expanse of water. Very often, such objects are fully furnished with furniture, all household appliances, there are parking spaces, a garage, a garden, a swimming pool, and even a wine cellar.

If you prefer solitude, you can pay attention to the estates that are located in the mountains. Often, a forest, vineyards, and a lake adjoin the territory of such an estate. The remoteness of such an object seems to be relative, because on very good and high-quality roads it is very easy to get to the civilized world: a shopping center, a school or higher educational institution, a hospital or a beach.

If you decide to just relax, then the most interesting are the objects located on the ocean coast and adjacent territories, namely in the cities of Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. The most expensive real estate objects are located here. For example, in Johannesburg and the capital of South Africa – Pretoria – real estate is cheaper.

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