HomeTourismTours to places of military battles have been launched in Ukraine

Tours to places of military battles have been launched in Ukraine

A Ukrainian tour operator dared to make tours for tourists who want to “tickle their nerves” with the strongest extreme. The Ukrainian online platform Visit Ukraine Today decided to offer the experience of “what it’s like to live amid battles.”

Visiting Ukraine just now to experience what it’s like to live amid war, to see its bombed-out cities and feel the danger, is unlikely to be on many people’s wish lists.

Tours to places of military battles have been launched in Ukraine

But six months after Russia invaded our country, causing a wave of death and destruction, a Ukrainian tour operator is inviting tourists to visit Ukraine.

Last month, the online platform Visit Ukraine. Today launched one-day tours of the so-called “Brave Cities” that defied and continue to resist the Russian invaders, offering travelers a glimpse of how the country lives in wartime.

Tours to places of military battles have been launched in Ukraine

Despite international warnings about the inadmissibility of trips to Ukraine, the company assures that the interest is high and that at the moment it has sold 150 tickets. Her website, which offers information on safe travel to and from Ukraine, receives 1.5 million visits a month, a 50% increase over pre-war levels.

As commented by the Egyptian Media, which published this news, such dangerous exoticism will be on the list of preferences of very few.

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