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Named “delicious” way to strengthen the health of the heart, brain and prevent aging

You can promote health and delay aging with natural products that contain useful compounds. For example, Christina Petersen, an associate professor of food science at the Technical University of Texas in the United States, said that flavonoid-rich products, chemical compounds found in plants that give them color and healing properties, are ideal for this purpose. The paper is published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension.

Studies have shown that flavonoids provide a wide range of health benefits: from fighting cancer and reducing the risk of heart disease to maintaining brain function and aging due to the fact that when ingested with food, they activate enzymes.

“The key reason why flavonoids are good for us is that they have anti-inflammatory effects and are antioxidants,” said the researcher.

Antioxidants help fight inflammation and aging. Flavonoids also have properties that can help prevent blood clots. And research has suggested that flavonoids in foods such as berries, red wine, apples and pears can affect intestinal bacteria by lowering blood pressure.

It was noted that flavonoids play a central role in the Mediterranean diet, DASH and MIND diets, dietary models, most recommended by experts in heart and brain health. Although there are some differences, all three pay close attention to flavonoid-rich fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans.

But most people in the United States, as in Ukraine, do not get enough flavonoids, mainly because they do not eat the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables. Here are dietary guidelines for understanding: adults need to eat 1.5-2 cups of fruit daily and 3-4 cups of vegetables.

The good news is that flavonoids are found in such a wide range of fruits, vegetables and other foods that they shouldn’t be difficult to include in your diet, Petersen said.

These substances contain:

  1. in berries of all kinds,
  2. cherries,
  3. apples,
  4. grapes,
  5. leeks,
  6. garlic,
  7. soybeans,
  8. black, green, oolong tea,
  9. cocoa and dark chocolate,
  10. red wine,
  11. dark beers,
  12. leafy green vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce and cabbage.

“Eat at least one fruit a day. Put extra vegetables on a plate for lunch. Trying to review your entire diet can be challenging, so start with small changes, ”the researcher suggested.

According to her, the best way to get the necessary flavonoids is to eat fresh, whole foods. But this is not the only way.

If fresh fruit is not available, frozen berry mixes are a good alternative. Fruits and vegetables that are frozen quickly retain high levels of nutrients, are easy to store and can add variety to a plate, even in the off-season.

Flavonoids can be not only eaten but also drunk. Drinks such as red wine and tea, especially black or green, are good sources of the substance. Fruits and vegetables can also be squeezed into juices or smoothies, but Petersen said the juice is not perfect because it lacks useful fiber. Adhering to a healthy diet, you can not worry about the lack of flavonoids, the scientist concluded.

Earlier, the DIP wrote that “The doctor told how many eggs you need to eat on week“.

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