His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has approved six new tourism development projects for the mountain town of Hatta.
Projects include the construction of a cable car, a viewing platform at 1,300 meters above sea level, a world-class hotel and sustainable waterfall system, and hiking trails to Jebel Umm Al Nisour Peak, Hatta’s highest point.
ضمن خطة حتا التنموية اعتمدنا ٦ مشاريع جديدة ..تصاميم قمة دبي الجبلية على ارتفاع ١٣٠٠ متر..وتلفريك بطول ٥.٤ كم ..وشلالات حتا المستدامة وفندق عالمي ومسارات Hiking وصولا لأعلى قمة في دبي (جبل أم النسور ١٣٠٠ متر ).. وأيضاً السماح لأهالي حتا ببناء ٢٠٠ نُزُل عطلة لدعم السياحة الداخلية pic.twitter.com/XewNVdVe88
— HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) August 21, 2021
Residents of Hatta will also be able to build 200 holiday homes, which will significantly spur the development of domestic tourism. As Sheikh Mohammed noted, the Hatta tourism development program started in 2016. During this time, the number of tourists has grown from 60 thousand to a million per year.
بدأنا في ٢٠١٦ مشروعنا التنموي في حتا تضاعف السياح من ٦٠ ألف لمليون زائر في ٢٠٢٠ ومشاريع هيئة كهرباء دبي الجديدة ستوفر ٥٠٠ وظيفة لشباب حتا، وبيوت العطلات الجديدة ستوفر دخلاً سنويا يزيد عن ١٠٠ مليون درهم لأبناء المنطقة .. وستبقى الحياة الكريمة لمواطنينا هدفنا من كل مشاريعنا pic.twitter.com/PQw7XKYm4m
— HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) August 21, 2021
It is planned that the holiday homes will bring residents of the region an income of 100 million dirhams annually. Dubai Electricity and Water Authority projects will provide jobs for 500 local youths.
The ruler of Dubai noted that Hatta will become a model for the development of small towns in the region. In a short time, the mountain village has become one of the main tourist attractions of the emirate, and new projects will have an impact on the development of the tourism industry on a national scale.