HomeLifeStyleWhy you can't post pictures of your boarding passes on social media

Why you can’t post pictures of your boarding passes on social media

According to a cybersecurity expert, scammers can get your digital data even from a seemingly harmless photo of a boarding pass.

“People often think that this data alone is not enough to cause any harm, but attackers look at this information in a completely different light,” explained Amir Tarigati, CEO of an American cybersecurity company.

Although at first glance, a boarding pass does not contain any important information, it can become a “gateway” to confidential data. “Intruders can very easily find out your date of birth, address, phone number, email address, etc., and thanks to this they can then extract more information from publicly available sources,” Tarigat said.

According to him, such travel information is often sold on the Internet black market, which can sometimes even lead to access to bank accounts.

Flight attendant Brenda Oreluse, who talks about her work on TikTok, also warned her followers against spreading travel information on social media. For example, she advises not to post your location when traveling, and also not to post photos of boarding passes on social networks. This is because the data can be easily used by attackers.

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