HomeLifeStyleWhat sockets are used in different countries: a memo for a tourist

What sockets are used in different countries: a memo for a tourist

Even 20 years ago, we could travel almost light, and now our suitcase is filled with a bunch of electronics. Traveling to another country, tourists need to understand that not everywhere can find a native electrical connector for recharging gadgets. What sockets are in different countries of the world and in what cases do you need an adapter?

It should be noted right away that in some hotels for a nominal amount, you can rent the necessary adapter. Sometimes the right adapter can be found in the nearest store. But if you travel often or don’t want to leave it to chance, the following information will be useful to you.

So, there is no single standard for electrical networks and sockets in the world: in different countries, they may differ. In Ukraine and Europe, sockets of types C and F are used: they differ only in the presence of grounding.

You should not expect problems when traveling to the CIS countries, as well as to Egypt, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Morocco, Thailand, Tunisia, and Turkey – everything is like ours.

What sockets are used in different countries: a memo for a tourist

Where to get an adapter

Types A and B are called American – it’s not hard to guess where they are used. You will also encounter similar sockets in Japan, as well as in the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, and several other parts of the world.

What sockets are used in different countries: a memo for a tourist

They have their type G socket in the UK. The connector is three flat holes and was created for a reason. During the Second World War, England experienced a severe shortage of copper, which is why the plug with a short fuse and three plugs appeared. The same sockets are used in countries that have experienced the influence of the British Empire: Malta, Cyprus, and Singapore.

What sockets are used in different countries: a memo for a tourist

Type I sockets you will meet if you are going to Australia or New Zealand. The same ones are sometimes found in China, as well as in New Guinea, Samoa, and Kiribati.

What sockets are used in different countries: a memo for a tourist

Interestingly, type H sockets in Israel will accept both round and flat prongs. The title of the funniest rosette is for its similarity to a smiling smiley proudly wearing type K, which is used in Denmark, Greenland, Bangladesh, and the Maldives.

What sockets are used in different countries: a memo for a tourist

Going to a new country for yourself, do not forget to check in advance which sockets they use there to buy the appropriate adapter.

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