HomeFranceTourists were told where they could be kicked out of a restaurant...

Tourists were told where they could be kicked out of a restaurant because of jeans and sneakers

For travelers, a vacation in France is inextricably linked with the opportunity to taste exquisite dishes of local cuisine. However, it is important to know that many establishments in the country have strict rules regarding appearance and a tourist may not be allowed or kicked out of a restaurant because of jeans and sneakers, writes the Lonely Planet portal.

Experts say that it is not necessary to dress up in evening dresses and tuxedos in restaurants in France, and it is better to avoid sports clothes. “France is a stylish place, but as long as you wear smart casual clothes without jeans and sneakers in mid-range restaurants and above, you’ll be fine,” writes Lonely Planet.

Country-specific etiquette rules apply to men’s swimwear. In public pools, men should wear tight-fitting swimming trunks, not swimming shorts. And, of course, both men and women are prohibited from appearing in swimsuits outside the beach or pool.

Returning to restaurants, we should mention two more features of French establishments with which tourists may have problems. This is a request to change the composition of the meal and tip. “Tipping is not a part of French culture as the service charge is included, but diners usually leave a few extra euros. It is welcome if you ask a waiter for advice on choosing a dish, but if you ask to replace ingredients in a carefully thought-out recipe of a cook, it is not welcome,” experts said.

Wearing clothes threatens trouble not only in France. In Barcelona, it is forbidden to appear in a bikini outside the beach and for breaking the rules, you can be fined in the amount of about 300 euros. You will have to pay twice as much for the same action in Mallorca. In Sorrento, Italy, appearing in public in a swimsuit or topless is fined more than 500 euros.

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