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This is disturbing and infuriating: the flight attendant showed frequent mistakes made by passengers when boarding a flight

American stewardess of Delta Airlines Sisi showed the main mistakes people make when boarding a flight, which interfere with other passengers, and even irritate many.

First of all, the author of the video showed how not to remove the backpack, noting that it is advisable to remove it in advance, before boarding, so as not to accidentally injure yourself and others.

“When you arrive at your checked-in seat, don’t block the aisle by making a last-minute decision to remove your battery, book, headphones, or anything else from your bag. It’s best to do this in advance, before you board the plane,” says the flight attendant.

The flight attendant also recommends not talking on the phone when boarding and using only one earphone to hear people around you.

This is not the first useful video from Sisi for travelers. On the page she gives advice on various topics that arise for those who travel frequently and not only.

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