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These tips for tourists to determine the unreliability of the travel agency during the first visit

Very often you can hear that some travel companies are leaving the market. Usually their closure is not painless. One way or another, customers of the tour operator may suffer from this. In order not to spoil your vacation and not to lose money, you should make sure the reliability of the company in advance. How? This will be discussed below.

Cheap tours

Everyone should be wary of offers, the cost of which is much lower than competitors. Undoubtedly, the company can offer two or three options for burning tours, but regular tours at much lower cost should alert the customer and make him think about whether it is a scam.

Registry and other associations

Travel companies should be included not only in the Unified Register of Tour Operators. Many of them are also in various industry associations, which include the Association of Tour Operators of Ukraine. This guarantees the reliability of the company.

Tour operator selection criteria

Here are the highlights to look out for:

  • market experience and time. The longer a travel agency exists, the more credible it is;
  • amount of financial guarantees. It is on this indicator depends on the ability to return to customers the money spent on the tour in the event of any unforeseen circumstances;
  • authority and reputation of the company. These indicators are the most important. Positive feedback, successful deals, lucrative offers, an individual approach to customers and the ability to defend their interests – all this inspires more confidence for travelers.

Travel Company Rating Options

The rating of tour operators is determined by several indicators. First you need to determine how long the company has been on the market and what services it provides.

Here are the main guidelines:

  1. Travel companies with large assets are considered large. Such a company can offer many domestic and foreign destinations to tourists. It is important to note that the number of countries should not affect the quality of services provided there;
  2. The second stage is the assessment of the rating of services and reliability of the travel company. It is not necessary to go on a trip, being guided only by the booklet offered by the manager in sales office. There are many cases when the quality of services provided is much lower than stated. Such nuances occur most often in new inexperienced tour operators or fraudsters with experience. That’s why you should check the company’s rating in advance;
  3. It is necessary to pay attention to places where there is a large influx of tourists, which indicates the demand for this area;
  4. Provision of additional services: insurance, visa, hotel reservation. Preference should be given to the company that has the most positive feedback.

Bankruptcy of travel companies

Travel companies are going bankrupt at an alarming rate.
Small ones are calculated in tens, and large ones in three to ten closures per year. Not all companies can withstand as much competition as in the tourism business.

Some areas are not very popular, so new companies can not cope with the onslaught of competitors that have already spun. Some destinations are closed, and new offers cause fear among travelers.

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