Home LifeStyle More than 200 liters of gin were stolen from a lakebed in...

More than 200 liters of gin were stolen from a lakebed in Switzerland

Понад 200 літрів джину вкрали з дна озера у Швейцарії

According to the Switzerland Times, a steel ball with 230 liters of gin inside disappeared from the bottom of Lake Constance in Switzerland on the border with Austria and Germany.

The drink had to spend 100 days at the bottom of the lake to infuse.

The gin was poured into a metal 800 kg steel ball attached to a concrete block. When employees of the manufacturing company arrived at the lake to pick up the ball, it turned out that it had disappeared.

Inside the bowl were the contents of almost 400 bottles of gin, most of which had already been paid for by customers, now customers would not be able to get a drink on time.

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