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How not to pay for hand luggage: tourists were told an ingenious life hack for three-layer packing of suitcases

Travel experts at Wild Packs have revealed a three-layer suitcase collection system that will help passengers save on baggage fees by packing all their belongings into carry-on luggage.

As The Sun writes, layering things will not only provide more space in your suitcase but also reduce the likelihood of creases in your clothes.

Also, layering will help distribute the weight of your suitcase evenly and prevent it from tipping over, protecting fragile items such as necklaces, earrings, and other accessories from damage.

Bottom layer: shoes, cosmetic bag, electronics

First of all, you should pack shoes at the very bottom of the suitcase, near the wheels. If you stuff your shoes with socks, you can free up as much space as possible for other things. This will also help to keep the shape of the shoe because otherwise it can be crushed by other layers of clothing.

Cosmetics should also be placed at the bottom of the suitcase and toiletries in a secure waterproof zip bag to avoid spills that could spoil the contents of the suitcase. Liquids and gels must be packed in a separate waterproof bag and placed in the upper part of the suitcase.

Some electronic devices, such as phone chargers, may also be placed in the bottom of the suitcase along with shoes and toiletries.

Distributing heavy objects on the bottom of the suitcase will help center the weight and prevent it from tipping over.

Middle layer: jeans, sweaters, T-shirts, shorts, accessories, underwear, socks

Rolling your clothes instead of folding them will take up less space and reduce the chance of wrinkles and creases.

Filling empty spaces and gaps with underwear, socks, and other accessories will also be a useful life hack. Packing accessories in these gaps between clothes also reduces the risk of them getting damaged during travel.

Upper layer: suits, dresses, jackets, towels, liquids, gels

Carefully fold suits, dresses, and jackets so they don’t wrinkle, and put them on top, trying not to stuff them inside the suitcase to avoid wrinkles.

Some toiletries that spill easily, such as liquids and shower gels, should be placed in a separate waterproof zip bag at the top of the suitcase to protect them from being crushed when the suitcase is closed.

You can put suit jackets on top of the suitcase, on top of already packed clothes, and if necessary, fold the sleeves to avoid wrinkles.

You can put beach towels there.

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