HomeLifeStyleExperts explain why you shouldn't take a hot shower after a flight

Experts explain why you shouldn’t take a hot shower after a flight

Experienced travelers talk about their hygiene rules after a long flight, which are actively discussed online. Expert opinions on the question of whether you should take a shower before or after a flight, as well as at what temperature, are divided. The Sun edition talks about this in more detail.

Manager Travis Carinci flies about 60,000 miles a month for his job. According to him, he tries to take a hot shower after a long journey. His main rule: the water should not be “scalding.”

“I avoid showers that are too hot, even despite a long flight. After all, it dries out the skin,” the publication quotes him as saying.

Also, regular hot showers can trigger skin conditions and worsen acne by eliminating the natural oils and beneficial bacteria found on the surface of the skin, confirmed pharmacist Abbas Kanani.

“Showering too long (especially hot showers) can strip your skin of its natural oils, causing it to become dry,” he was quoted as saying by the publication.

According to experts at WebMD, taking a cold shower after a flight is a better option, especially when jet lags. After all, according to them, it “improves blood circulation, which gives a quick burst of energy.”

Popular travel website editor Nicky Kelvin says showering early in the morning before a flight is a waste of time.

“Take a shower the night before as this will cut your preparation time by 20 minutes, meaning you can spend more time in bed. And of course, don’t forget to shower after your flight for at least 20 minutes for a very important reason (personal rules) hygiene – editor’s note),” Kelvin shared his simple advice.

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