HomeJapanWhy the Japanese do not drink water while eating

Why the Japanese do not drink water while eating

In a Japanese restaurant, a waiter will not bring a glass of water before a meal. And this phenomenon has nothing to do with the financial issue – in Japan it is simply not customary to drink food with water. “DIP” will tell about what it is connected with.

The average life expectancy of the Japanese is 84.2 years. And this is not a coincidence. Their longevity is connected, first of all, with a special food system, one of the key criteria of which is the separation of food and water. There are several reasons why the Japanese prefer not to confuse the two processes.

Disorders of the digestive process

Drinking water slows down the digestion of food. Due to impaired salivation, gastric juice begins to be produced more slowly. Then the food remains in the stomach, and the person feels discomfort, heaviness, bloating and flatulence.

Weight gain

The walls of the stomach are very plastic. Accordingly, with regular mixing of water with food, they can be very stretched. If the volume of the body increases, then the portion of food needed to satisfy hunger increases, which can lead to active weight gain.

Neutralizing the benefits of products

Even if you eat healthy food, you can easily negate the benefits of eating it. To do this, just drink food with water. When drinking gastric juice is diluted with liquid, and then all the useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements are not absorbed into the body.

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