HomeLifeStyleWho and why should not eat persimmon

Who and why should not eat persimmon

With the onset of winter, the shelves of vegetable shops are filled with persimmons. It is impossible to refuse it – because it is so tasty, sweet, and healthy. However, some people are better off not getting carried away with this fruit – and here’s why.

Persimmon is the main fruit of the cold season. It is relatively inexpensive and perfectly supports the immune system in winter due to the high content of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid in the composition.

There are also many flavonoids in persimmon, which protect the body from oxidation and help control blood pressure. Therefore, orange fruits are very useful for heart disease – and the prevention of aging.

However, ideal products do not exist. Doctors believe that persimmons should not be eaten if there is a tendency to constipation, because it can aggravate the situation.

The fact is that along with vitamins and trace elements, persimmon contains a high level of tannins – compounds due to which the fruit has an astringent taste. They can make it difficult to digest food and cause abdominal pain, blockage, vomiting, and constipation.

At the same time, several other studies show that persimmon, on the contrary, is useful for problems with going to the toilet. It also inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the intestines and helps cleanse the body and skin.

Experts believe that the effect of consuming the fruit depends on how astringent the fruits have: the less this sensation, the more useful the persimmon. So do not eat fruit until it is completely softened and ripened. And if you tend towards constipation, it is better to use persimmon without skin, because it is in it that tannins accumulate. In any case, you should not get carried away and eat more than 2-3 persimmon fruits per day. Any product is useful only when consumed in moderation!

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