HomeLifeStyleThe maximum amount of coffee you should drink per day may surprise...

The maximum amount of coffee you should drink per day may surprise you

If you’re a real coffee drinker, no matter how many packets of coffee beans you own, after all, coffee belongs to you, right? Because in the morning it’s “coffee first” that gives you enough energy.

Then, when the afternoon energy drop begins to take hold, you sing again, “Hello, little black girl, my faithful friend.” Your coffee consumption can be a concern for people who are used to you walking with a cup in hand … and have clearly not discovered the pleasures of these fragrant dark beans. But maybe by the time you rinse the cup for the third or fourth time.

Good news for moderate drinkers: You can drink up to five cups of coffee a day before worrying about heart health risks, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Australian researchers, who analyzed nearly 350,000 people, found that drinking six or more servings of coffee a day increased the risk of heart disease by 22 percent. But meanwhile, people who drank one or two cups of coffee a day had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who stayed decaffeinated or avoided coffee altogether.

Studies show that people who drink coffee can live longer

The maximum amount of coffee you should drink per day may surprise you

Numerous studies provide a lot of ammunition for your debate with coffee haters; Coffee is actually good for you in moderation, experts say. Coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the human diet.

In fact, a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine Analyzing 180,000 participants from different ethnic groups found an 18 percent reduction in mortality among people who drank three cups of coffee a day – regular or decaffeinated.

“We can’t say that drinking coffee will prolong your life, but we see an association,” said Veronica W. Setiavan, lead author of the study and an associate professor of preventive medicine at Keka Medical School at the University of Southern California. “If you like to drink coffee, drink! If you are not a coffee lover, then you need to think about whether to start.

At the same time, coffee is not the best choice for everyone. “Drinking coffee can increase tremors and heart rate, which makes an already anxious person more anxious,” said Tanya Elliott, MD, Bustle.
And too much coffee can increase the risk of urinary incontinence. But if it doesn’t look like you – and you don’t drink too much coffee – you can continue to enjoy coffee in good health.

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