Home Medicine Coffee capsules – why they can be hazardous to health

Coffee capsules – why they can be hazardous to health

Coffee is a favorite drink of many people. It’s hard to start a day without coffee if you’re used to enjoying the aroma and flavor early in the morning. Thanks to the capsules, making coffee has become much easier and faster. They are widely used and are now available for home use. However, in spite of their convenience, they have already acquired a reputation for being enemies of the environment. This is because the plastic used to make coffee capsules is not recyclable.

According to a report published in Current Research in Toxicology, capsule brewing accounts for 28% of total consumption. This means that tons of single-use, non-recyclable plastic are thrown away in nature every year.

This damage indirectly affects our health by polluting the environment. But capsules can be harmful to your health in a more direct way that you probably haven’t thought about.

A new study from the University of Connecticut has shown that the plastic used to make capsules contains active substances that affect hormones in the body. Researchers have studied the effect of this plastic on the body and hormones in the body.

How does heated plastic affect health?

A study by researchers, published in Current Research Toxicology, found that chemicals in the plastic they were made from release estrogen-like compounds when heated. This disrupts the normal regulation of hormones in the body.

When the plastic heats up, it saturates your coffee with these chemicals that are easily absorbed into the body and easily absorbed.

The chemicals in the plastic of coffee capsules induce hormonal activity that can lead to serious health problems, especially in the long term, according to another study published in Environmental Health Perspectives. Continuous exposure to hormones can lead to an increased risk of certain cancers, changes in the reproductive organs, early puberty in children, and obesity.

In our daily lives, we are exposed to the harmful effects of these and similar chemicals that cause hormonal activity and changes. This happens not only due to the use of coffee capsules, but also all kinds of plastic containers for food and liquids – bowls, boxes, plates, bottles (including baby bottles), which can be heated and stored in hot food.

If you are looking for a good alternative to coffee capsules, as well as a modern revolutionary discovery that offers convenience, stick to the old-fashioned methods of preparing your favorite black beverage.

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