HomeHotelsExperts have named the main breeding grounds for germs and infections in...

Experts have named the main breeding grounds for germs and infections in hotel rooms

As it turns out, you can get infected with Staphylococcus aureus from chairs, but bed bugs can hide not only on pillows but also in wooden or plastic chairs.

The record holder among “infectious” items was upholstered furniture. Studies have shown that if it is not cleaned between guest visits, germs will accumulate.

This also includes fabric headboards; unlike other analogs, they are much more difficult to clean. To process them, a steamer is required, and not all hotels have this device. In addition, dust accumulates on fabric headboards, which can cause discomfort for allergy sufferers.

Germs accumulate on blankets and blankets that cover the bed. Hotel staff admit that, according to the rules, they wash them only once a month during general cleaning.

Microbes also happily colonize and multiply on soft curtains and drapes. Especially those that touch the floor. Often these items are not thoroughly cleaned and are a favorable breeding ground for various microbes and dust mites.

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