By the end of the year, Egypt will open a 2,700-meter-long Sphinx Avenue in Luxor. The road connecting the temples of Karnak and Luxor in the east of Luxor, and the Minister of Antiquities El-Anani said that the opening of the avenue will be the next parade in Egypt.
The Minister noted that he had already met with several companies seeking to organize a parade, and that two proposals had already been received.
He said Egypt would reopen the Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria by the end of the year. The museum is one of the largest and oldest museums dedicated to the Greco-Roman collection of Egypt.
El-Anani said the Great Egyptian Museum (GEM) in Giza would also be ready to open by the end of the year.
“There is a difference between the ceremony and the opening, because the ceremony will be huge and will be attended by heads of state from around the world, celebrities, etc.,” said Al-Anani, adding: “I had a meeting with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. instructions that we must work very quickly to get the museum ready. “

He added that his ministry would continue to move artifacts to GEM in preparation for its discovery. In total, 95% of Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s collection has already been moved to a new location, where a special section dedicated to the pharaoh boy has been created.
The remaining 5% remaining in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square will be transferred to GEM just days before the official opening of the new museum. Thus, tourists traveling to Egypt before the opening of the GEM will not be disappointed that they did not see any artifact belonging to the boy-pharaoh.