HomeAustraliaNamed countries where tourists can pay a lot for left tips

Named countries where tourists can pay a lot for left tips

The traditional “gesture of thanks” for the excellent work of waiters in the form of tips in countries with a different mentality can be perceived exactly the opposite, and the tourist risks paying for it. The British newspaper The Sun warned tourists about this. Moreover, there are unique features not only in the East: in the countries of the English-speaking world, as they say, “their jokes.”

China: on average, it is not customary to leave a tip in mainland China, the publication warns tourists. Tourists are asked to familiarize themselves with the restaurant’s policy in advance, many places officially prohibit tipping (and receiving). “If you want to show your gratitude to the staff, thank them sincerely or try to write them a note,” the experts add. They also note that taxi drivers, guides, and porters are gradually finding it “more and more acceptable” to receive tips.

Japan: many tourists who are interested in this country know that tips are not accepted here, and trying to leave them can be seen as intrusiveness or rudeness. “At best, staff will think you’ve forgotten your change and try to stop you, or contact you later to return it,” experts say. But it doesn’t hurt to thank the staff and behave decently from the point of view of a Japanese person.

New Zealand and Australia: Tourists are also not expected to tip in this part of the English-speaking world. Although they will not be outraged. A tip of 10% of the bill from a large company is considered a nice bonus. However, waiters here do not rely on tips as a form of income.

We will remind you that in the USA tipping is a completely different feature – here 20% of the bill is considered a tip or not mandatory, and if you try not to leave it – there may be problems.

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