HomeLifeStyleTourists reported a battle of three nationalities for sunbeds: crazy vacationers began...

Tourists reported a battle of three nationalities for sunbeds: crazy vacationers began to cynically use children

The hot summer season at the resorts has turned into a real arena of battles for sunbeds: crazy beachgoers rush to the pool as soon as the staff opens it. Fierce competition for the best places has reached new dimensions because the British, Germans and French are now cynically using their children in this race. One such episode was recorded in a hotel in Malaga and posted on the TikTok platform.

A tourist incident that happened recently in one of the hotels of a popular Spanish resort was captured on video and went viral thanks to blogger Lindsey Hall. The footage shows vacationers rushing to their favorite sunbeds right after the pool opens. Some parents even connect their children so that they run more actively to occupy the sunbeds.

The video shocked users of the social network. The author of the record assumed that the main participants in this battle were the British, for this she even used the hashtag #BritsAbroad.

However, many users disagreed with her and said that they had seen French and Germans running around the hotel with towels more than once. Another video posted on Tiktok by user Daxi also sparked a debate about which countries are the worst when it comes to seizing sunbeds. The popular version is the British. For example, a German commenter wrote: “I am German and I live in Great Britain. During my last holiday in Greece, towels were handed out to the English until 6:00 a.m.”

But French holidaymakers were also in the spotlight, with one holidaymaker writing: “The French were up at 5 am in the hotel I was at. I couldn’t believe my eyes.” At the same time, one Briton admitted that it was his compatriots who started this morning marathon, and they are the ones who reserve beach spots with towels for the whole day, and come themselves only when they feel like it. “I’m in a British hotel in Spain and I can confirm it’s us Brits. Many Russians and no Germans,” he clarified.

As it turned out, occupying sunbeds with towels for a long time is a sign of bad tone, which probably does not bother many vacationers. Regardless of who is booking the seats, there are etiquette rules that must be followed, noted etiquette expert William Hanson. According to him, if a sunbed remains for a long time under the “cover of a towel”, then it is acceptable if a person who has been waiting for a place for too long takes off the “terry protection” and takes a place. “It is strictly forbidden to reserve sunbeds with a towel for longer than 30 minutes, after this grace period they are occupied on a first-come, first-served basis,” he said earlier.

However, there are some caveats to this 30-minute grace period. For example, if a vacationer who took a seat with a towel uses the pool, then the sunbed remains at their disposal. However, the applicant for a place under the sun still needs to calculate the owner of the towel left on the sun lounger.

Previously, DIP wrote that one traveler in an all-inclusive hotel decided to give a selection to insolent vacationers and take revenge on them for occupied seats by the pool. Every day of her vacation, she threw the guests’ towels directly into the pool, until the hotel administration intervened in the situation.

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