HomeTourismIn the United States, a passenger brought a projector to the plane...

In the United States, a passenger brought a projector to the plane and set up a “cinema” in the sky

The man, right during the flight, decided to turn on the projector in order to watch a movie in an unusual company, TSA reports.

The incident occurred on board one of the American airlines. The passenger decided to watch the American military drama “Patriot” with Mel Gibson in the title role during the flight. However, he did not look alone and displayed an image for everyone with the help of a projector.

The U.S. Transportation Security Administration drew attention to the video of the incident.

“I have flown over 800 flights to 147 countries and have never seen anything like it,” says Douglas Lazic-Kirk, who posted the original video online. According to him, the man who organized the “cinema in the sky” was sitting on three chairs alone and simply turned on the film during the flight.

The agency posted the Douglas video on its Instagram page. The management reminded its subscribers of the baggage rules – about what is allowed to be taken in luggage, and what items, on the contrary, are prohibited.


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Under the sensational video, they gave a clear explanation on how to travel with electronic devices:

  • Large electronic devices can be carried in carry-on baggage, but some may require additional screening.
  • any device larger than a mobile phone must be removed from the bag and placed in a separate container before being tested;
  • It is possible to transport devices in their original packaging, but it is possible that they will have to be unpacked if there are grounds for this.

As for the users of the social network, the reaction of people was not so obvious. Many thought the case was cute and the idea was good. However, some still resented the “selfish behavior” of the man, comparing it with the behavior of people who listen to music on the phone through the speaker in public transport.

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