Home Egypt In Egypt, they found an unusual substitute for Russian tourists who were...

In Egypt, they found an unusual substitute for Russian tourists who were not frightened by 50°C

В Єгипті знайшли незвичну заміну російським туристам, яких не злякали 50°C

Excursion Egypt is still experiencing a decline in tourist traffic, explained by weather conditions – tourists are scared away by the heat in the region of +50 degrees Celsius. It is about Luxor.

Nevertheless, despite such hellish heat, every day this ancient city of Upper Egypt receives up to 400 tourists who arrive from Hurghada on day-trip bus tours. At the same time, a significant part of the current tourist flow consists of Russian tourists vacationing in Hurghada: Russians prefer to spend their main vacation time at sea, going on one-day excursions. However, since September, the number of tourists should at least tripled, and the Egyptians have found a replacement for Russian tourists and a rather unusual one at that.

Mohamed Othman, chairman of the Cultural Tourism Marketing Committee, told Egyptian media that Luxor now hosts about 400 tourists arriving from Hurghada on daily land tours. He added that this is very little compared to the number of tourists who arrive in winter. But, according to him, the decrease in tourist flow is connected to high temperatures in Luxor – up to 50 degrees Celsius. At the same time, mainly tourists who come from Hurghada to visit Luxor prefer a beach holiday, and a significant part of them are Russians.

Then Mr. Othman announced the following forecast – an increase in the number of tourists arriving from Hurghada to Luxor is expected from October. It has almost 1500 tourists per day. According to him, most tourists who visit Hurghada in winter allocate one day to reach the sights of Luxor. These are mostly tourists from Europe, but recently the number of tourists from America has been growing significantly – according to current and projected bookings, their number may reach 220,000 people. So they are partly counted on as a replacement for the Russians.

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