Three music concerts in Catalonia, Spain, in early July marked the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the autonomous region, according to health authorities, who found that 2,279 people were infected with the Delta variant.
Each autonomous region has launched its own investigation into the causes that led to the fifth wave of COVID-19, according to BNR.
Among them was an outbreak in the Balearic Islands in late June, when more than 1,100 schoolchildren and students from different parts of Spain became infected after an organized trip.
According to the Minister of Health of Catalonia, Dr. Carme Cabezas, at three concerts held from 1 to 10 July in the region, there were 842 more infected than they thought, and the cause of incorrect mathematical calculations is the Delta variant, common in country.
To be clear about the spread of the virus, authorities tracked down 49,570 people who attended three concerts. In their health surveys, it became clear that 0.45% of them or 271 people went to the concert with a positive test for COVID-19 and thus violated the rules of isolation and quarantine.
Dr. Cabezas assured the public that measures had already been taken to hold concerts with a sedentary audience, a mandatory mask, no right to dance and a negative test to avoid new outbreaks of infection.