Our body needs salt to function well. Sodium chloride, or common table salt, acts as an electrolyte needed for a number of functions in the body. But it takes a very small amount of salt to reap its benefits to the body. Too much is harmful to the body.
Excessive salt intake raises blood pressure, impairs heart function, and causes water retention. Cells retain water, swell and create prerequisites for weight gain, accumulation of adipose tissue, cellulite.
However, salt has another potentially harmful effect, and that is on the bones. Bone health is just as important as heart and lung health. Without healthy bones, our body will collapse. The quality of life also largely depends on the condition of the bones. Old bones are constantly being renewed. The bone substance is destroyed, and in its place a new one is synthesized, and this process continues, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Unlike other tissues, bones rarely show signs of a problem until it’s too late. That’s why it’s important to be focused on prevention and your health before a problem occurs.
Excess salt can weaken bones, which become more brittle and brittle. Over time, this process can lead to serious problems with the skeletal system.