Home LifeStyle The doctor told the main myths about strengthening the immune system

The doctor told the main myths about strengthening the immune system

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The immune system is a collection of many biological structures and processes in the body that protect it from disease.

Many people believe that it is necessary to strengthen the immune system in the fall, with the onset of colds. Doctor Olena Solomatina debunks the main myths about strengthening immunity.

According to her, with the onset of spring the body suffers from a lack of vitamins, especially if the weather is cloudy. However, it is important not to drink all the vitamins recommended by friends, because hypervitaminosis is no less dangerous, says Solomatina.

The immune system needs a lot of useful nutrients to function well and protect us from viruses and bacteria. It is especially important to eat a variety of foods that contain nutritious foods.

In addition, spring is also considered the cold season. Many people put on light clothes or sweat in transport too early and then go out in the cold in an unbuttoned jacket and catch a cold.

For those who care about a healthy lifestyle, we recommend reading: “The best foods you can eat at bedtime.”

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