HomeHotelsWhat tourists steal from hotels: the main preferences of “thieves” have been...

What tourists steal from hotels: the main preferences of “thieves” have been published

Wellness Heaven has provided a list of the most commonly stolen items from hotel rooms. Moreover, the report published not only “loss figures”, but also the national preferences of thieves.

To compile the ranking, the company surveyed about 1,400 hotels, mostly in Europe. In first place among the items that tourists try to steal are towels and bathrobes. Next come hangers, as well as pens and cosmetics.

In addition, experts told which hotels have the most thefts; it turned out that five-star hotels steal on a grand scale, taking out mattresses and coffee makers, but toilet paper is taken out more often in four-star hotels.

As for nationality, the Germans and the British are the leaders among them – they mainly steal towels, and bathrobes, and also take away cosmetics and toiletries.

The Italians seem to be partial to wine and prefer to borrow glasses from the hotel as souvenirs, the Dutch are practical about taking light bulbs and toilet paper, but the Austrians love coffee so much that they are ready to take out not only the cups from the coffee station but also the coffee machine.

Americans prefer batteries and pillows. But the French choose more expensive ones – and they can steal not only the remote control but also the TV along with it. The Swiss also bring out expensive “souvenirs,” but they often bring out hair dryers.

Another interesting fact is that expensive thefts are more likely in five-star hotels. Thus, “hotel” tablet computers are taken out there significantly more often – 6 times more often, and works of art – 4.3 times. And also in five-star hotels, TVs (4.9 times) and even mattresses (5.4 times) are stolen much more often.

In four-star hotels, banal things are more often removed — towels, hangers, and toilet paper are in much greater demand among “non-carrying tourists”.

Experts tell us why you shouldn’t take a hot shower after a flight. Read here.

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